Late Spring Splendor Recipes

As June gets fully underway here this week, get set for a delivery that is chock-full of fun and fresh late-spring provisions, from locally foraged Morel and Porcini mushrooms and Hakurei turnips to Valencia oranges and even salty, snappy sea beans. Accentuated by farm-fresh eggs from our heritage-breed laying hens, garden herbs, crisp salad greens, and freshly-made rigatoni pasta from Bellingham Pasta Company, this delivery is sure to kick-off the new month in delicious fashion.

Here are a few recipe ideas for the week:

Rigatoni with Sautéed Spring Mushrooms
Also rich with chicken stock and herbs, this pasta beautifully captures the flavors of mellow, earthy mushrooms.

Sea Bean Salad
Dressed with olive oil, garlic and a hint of lemon, this simple salad allows this week’s sea beans to shine.

Valencia Orange & Sunflower Shoot Salad
This crisp, citrus-kissed salad is both bold in flavor and beautiful in presentation.

Grilled Turnips with Mint & Lime
The combination of mint and lime adds summery appeal to these tender-crisp grilled turnips.

Italian Parsley-Caper Vinaigrette
This adaptation of the pungent vinaigrette from Joshua McFadden’s Six Seasons: A New Way with Vegetables is magical drizzled over roasted vegetables or spring greens.

this week's recipes
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hello, november

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