How-To: Make Raclette

Let everyone assemble their own platter of provisions to top with melty raclette cheese!

Boiled, braised or roasted potatoes
Speck, sliced
Pickled onions
Raclette cheese

Boska Holland Mini Raclette Partyclette

1. First assemble all your prep ingredients and lay them out on the table, allowing everyone to pick their favorite options. (We recommend a little of everything included in this week’s kit!)

2. Light the tea candles that come with the Partyclette, place in the base and set it on the table, letting the flames start to heat up the pan surface. When warm, place a healthy slice or two of raclette cheese in the Partyclette.

3. Once melted, use the spatula to carefully lift out a serving of cheese and then place it atop your plate of provisions. Enjoy right away and keep on heating up cheese to add to more plates!

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