Time to Jam

Summer is fruit season here in the Northwest, a glorious moment in time when we start to (literally) enjoy the fruits of our labors as a wide range of luscious, juicy berries ripen—from the organic Tulameen raspberries grown in our gardens to wild blackberries and sweet blueberries.

Our berries are lovingly hand-picked each morning during this season. Some go straight into our mouths for a delightful snack, others are destined for fresh fruit crisps. But, without fail, we also tuck away a supply for our housemade jam, which captures the wonderful, fresh flavors of summer for months to come. This month, it’s the juicy and ripe Tulameen raspberries that are headed for our jars.

The process is simple, with just a few quality ingredients included in our ‘uncooked’ recipe: organic fruit, organic sugar and pectin. That’s it. A quick stir and into the freezer it goes—and believe us, nothing beats pulling out a dollop in deep, dark winter to brighten up morning toast or to serve alongside freshly-baked scones.

this week's recipes
winter’s brunch

farm & garden notes
hello, november

workshops & events
new classes!
