Brunch Time Recipes

Put on a pot of coffee and perk up your taste buds with this week’s selection of spring-fresh brunch fare. Featuring organic breakfast sausages from Skagit River Ranch, Fairhaven Mills organic buckwheat flour, homey apple butter, and, of course, farm-fresh eggs from our heritage breed hens, the delivery also includes Challah bread from Snohomish Bakery, smoked cinnamon, soft, spreadable sheep’s milk cheese and snack-ready pear chips, plus such spring favorites as leeks, sunflower shoots, chive blossoms and red spring onions. Rise and shine, it’s breakfast time!

Here are a few recipe ideas for the week:

Challah Bread French Toast
This lovely and light French toast is wonderful topped with syrup, confectioner’s sugar or this week’s apple butter.

Buckwheat Crêpes
Once you perfect the technique here, start adding in and playing with your favorite fillings. (This week we suggest using our signature apple butter paired with some maple-spiced apples.)

Maple-Spiced Apples
These fragrant apples are wonderful served on top of French toast, or tucked inside crêpes.

Scrambled Eggs with Red Spring Onions & Leeks
Punched up with bright spring onions, these scrambled eggs are divine.

Grilled Cauliflower Steaks with Honey & Meyer Lemon
Time to break out the barbecue for these flavorful cauliflower “steaks”!

Meyer Lemon-Honey Vinaigrette
This lovely vinaigrette is bright with lemon juice, sweet honey and fresh parsley.

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