Hi, March! The Latest News from Farm & Larder and Bella Luna Farms

Spring is coming: After a very gray, cold and snowy February, we are greeting the arrival of March with extra enthusiasm this year as we hope it will bring encouraging glimpses of spring-like weather with the first official day of the season just around the corner. The pop weed in the garden has certainly woken up despite the cold, providing fresh greens for the hens to enjoy!

We’ve been spending more and more time out of doors, as are our resident animals—the chickens are busy daily scratching for bugs in their outdoor enclosure and the ‘girls’ and the donkey are starting to shed their thick winter undercoats in favor of a sleek new look.

We are eagerly awaiting spring: Seeds continue to arrive daily, including lots of new varieties we are excited to try. Strawberry, onion and asparagus plants are on their way, as well as seed potatoes and artichoke starts, and the kale, broccoli, and cauliflower seeds are just starting to emerge in the hoophouse. Later this month the spring peas and onions will be planted outdoors under row covers, and we hope to begin harvesting our first crops of flavorful baby spring greens from the hoop house by the end of the month. Fingers crossed!

Plans for spring are picking up in the gardens we care for away from the farm too. Our gardening and landscaping company, Parterre, is busy planning new designs for the installations of both food and ornamental gardens. These combine year round seasonal color—think: edibles such as blueberries, tree fruits, savory herbs and even edible flowers can give a garden a four-season appeal—as well as food for the table! Each garden we design, plant, and care for is unique and personal; it is so gratifying to see each one come to life in the spring and summer.

As the days continue to lengthen and the sun warms us both body and soul when it does peek out from behind the clouds, we look forward to saying good-bye to winter and hello to spring and all the fresh and bright flavors it provides. To spring—and happy gardening!

this week's recipes
a taste of bavaria

farm & garden notes
hello, november

workshops & events
new classes!
