Changing Seasons Recipes
With dewy mornings and darker evenings, the subtle shifting of the seasons seems to be well underway here in the Northwest. The gardens are thus towing the line between summer and fall with the continuation of favorites like melons, blueberries, Thai basil and edible flowers alongside the arrival of such fall highlights as locally-grown corn, Jimmy Nardello peppers and the cooler-weather-loving greens. This week’s lineup includes all the aforementioned produce as well as sliced multigrain bread, farm-fresh eggs and a crisp apple Verjus from Sauk Farms; here’s to enjoying the best of both worlds this week!
Here are a few recipe ideas for the week:
Stewed Romano Beans with Tomatoes
Braising the beans lends them a beautiful texture without sacrificing any of their gorgeous color!
Pan-Fried Peppers with Lemon & Garlic
Seasoned with slivered garlic, this Bon Appetit recipe is a favorite for enjoying fresh peppers.
Green Bean Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette
Tossed with a Dijon mustard and sherry vinaigrette, these beans boast bright, zesty flavor.
Sweet Corn & Roasted Potato Salad with Fresh Basil
This room temperature salad will be a hit at your next barbecue. (Plus, it’s a snap to prep ahead!)
Thyme-Apple Verjus Vinaigrette
One of our favorite dressings for fall; try tossing with sliced apples, roasted nuts and your favorite salad greens.
Pickled Blueberries
Tart-sweet and incredibly addictive, these pickled berries are a wonderful finishing touch for salads and sandwiches (try them on grilled cheese).