Turn Up the Heat Recipes


Ward off the chill of the first hard freeze with an Italian-themed box that turns up the heat. Starring a bold, spicy Arrabbiata sauce crafted from bright tomatoes, fragrant garlic and zingy chili flakes, this warm and cozy lineup also features handcrafted pasta, our special reserve Grana cheese and a crisp Italian loaf, plus hearty late-fall greens, a big-bodied wine and sweet Moscato-poached pears for dessert.

Here are a few recipe ideas for the week:

Baked Cardoon
Similar in taste to an artichoke, cardoon is an Italian favorite. Here, the celery-like stalks are baked with fresh bread crumbs and nutty Grana cheese.

Delicata Squash & Kale Salad
This hearty salad is also excellent topped with fresh fall apples!

Sautéed Beets & Swiss Chard Greens
Cooked in butter and wine, this comforting side dish makes use of both flavorful beets and beet greens.

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