Wild Ramp-Lemon Risotto with Morel Mushrooms

This bright risotto showcases beautiful spring ramps and foraged Morel mushrooms.

1 quart F&L chicken stock
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
1 cup sliced ramps, thoroughly cleaned and the white and green parts divided
1 cup Arborio rice
1 cup Morel mushrooms, sautéed lightly in butter
¼ cup dry white wine
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
½-¾ cup Grana-style cheese, for grating
Sea salt and fresh black pepper

1. In a saucepan, bring the chicken stock to a boil and then turn down to a simmer to keep hot.

2. In another large sauce pan over medium low heat, add one tablespoon butter and the sliced white portion of the ramps and sweat for two minutes. Turn the heat up and add the Arborio rice, stir for about one minute. Next, add the dry white wine to the rice and cook until it has completely evaporated, then add a ladleful of stock to the rice and continue stirring until almost absorbed.

3. Add another ladleful of stock and continue stirring. Repeat until all the stock is gone and the rice is creamy and tender.

4. Stir in the remaining butter, lemon juice, lemon zest. Stir in the ramp greens and mushrooms and season with salt and pepper. Finally, grate cheese into the risotto and gently give the risotto one or two stirs to incorporate. Serve immediately.

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