Hello, January! The Latest News from Farm & Larder and Bella Luna Farms

Happy New Year! As 2023 gets firmly underway, we would like to convey our heartfelt thanks: We have been delivering our weekly boxes filled with fresh, seasonal fare and housemade provisions going on ten years now! We couldn’t do it without you and truly appreciate your enthusiastic feedback and support.

To our new 2023 subscribers, welcome! We cannot wait to share the bounty of the farm with you in the year ahead.

On that note, you can expect your first Farm & Larder delivery of the year on Groundhog Day, Thursday, February 2nd. We have been working to complete the second phase of our kitchen and dining room remodel and soon our new and improved workspace will be ready. Meanwhile, with the farm kitchen closed, we have been pulling together some exciting new menus and organizing fresh and fun provisions for the months ahead; we cannot wait to share the best of the farm with you.

As you might have gleaned from the above, as we also wind down from the holiday season, now is a time of planning here at the farm. Seed catalogs are beginning to arrive, a most awaited and favorite time to read of new varieties and old favorites, reminding us of the delights of spring with the anticipation of new seedlings soon to be popping up in the greenhouse!

After the icy, frigid weather over the holidays which brought the loss of several significant trees, the weather seems to have normalized a bit, though it’s still chilly enough to keep us clad in our winter gear and trusty winter boots as we trudge about the farm caring for the animals. The “girls” are still busy laying while all snug in their coop and the other resident animals are staying warm and toasty, cuddled up in extra straw to weather the cold nights.

During off-moments inside, we are busy looking through cookbooks new and old for inspiration for seasonal winter fare to share. From hearty soups and rich pasta sauces to luscious risottos and more, we always love making the best of what the Northwest has to offer during the winter months. Our gardening company, Parterre, is busy each day doing and planning for our clients’ gardens as well, with wintertime tasks such as pruning and mulching taking place, as well as creating new planting designs for spring.

We hope your New Year is off to a safe and healthy start—here’s to great growing, connecting and, of course, eating in 2023!

this week's recipes
taco time

farm & garden notes
hi, april

workshops & events
new classes!
