Baked Eggs with Heirloom Tomatoes

Juicy tomatoes, fresh herbs and a touch of cream lend rich appeal to this dish.

2 tablespoons butter
1 cup heirloom tomatoes, chopped
½ cup chopped fresh basil
¼ cup chopped fresh Italian parsley
4 eggs
4 teaspoons heavy cream
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper
Grana-style cheese (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350°. Generously butter four ½-cup ramekins.

2. In a bowl, stir together the tomatoes, basil, parsley, plus salt and pepper. Divide evenly among the prepared ramekins. Cut the 2 tablespoons of butter into small pieces and divide among the ramekins, sprinkling the pieces evenly over the tomato mixture. Break an egg into each ramekin. Season with more salt and pepper as needed. Drizzle each egg with 1 teaspoon of the cream. Arrange the ramekins on a rimmed baking sheet.

3. Bake until the egg whites are opaque and the yolks have firm edges and are soft in the center, about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and sprinkle each serving with cheese, if using. Serve immediately.

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