Summery September Recipes

Though the calendar may say September, the recent sunny weather has the gardens thinking it’s still high summer as they continue to produce favorites for this week’s box like heirloom tomatoes, colorful Corno di Toro frying peppers and zucchini, as well as spicy microgreens, string beans and purple Italian garlic. Also included: Fresh semolina pappardelle pasta and all the ingredients for a peach cobbler topped with whipped crème fraîche—so pop that in the oven, uncork a bottle of of dry Spanish white wine and toast to lingering summer.

Here are a few recipe ideas for the week:

Purple String Beans with Caramelized Sweet Onions
These beautiful beans are tossed with flavorful onions and fresh parsley.

Roasted Heirloom Tomatoes
As good as heirloom tomatoes are fresh, roasting them concentrates their flavor even more!

Grilled Peppers & Zucchini
Serve these classic grilled vegetables from Domenica Marchetti’s The Glorious Vegetables of Italy atop warm bread.

Pickled Peppers
These addictive peppers are wonderful for snacking, or served with burgers, tacos and sandwiches.

Peach Cobbler
It’s hard to beat this classic summer dessert—just add whipped crème fraîche!

Whipped Crème Fraîche
A simply-stunning topping for this week’s cobbler!

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